Hi Paul,

Indeed, I have reproduced your issue against 2.4.85. It seems that the issue was solved in the following release currently only available to support subscribers (2.4.86-support).

Before 2.4.86, we primarily tested on Android 3.2 emulator, and our workflow was slightly different - with Eclipse ADT, though I hope this would not matter. You could perhaps try with a higher version of the emulator, or else wait until the 2.4.86-* fixes become available to the public (they do periodically).



By on 9/28/2012 10:00 AM ()

Or better yet: get WebSharper support - anyone doing serious WebSharper development should have support coverage.

By on 9/28/2012 5:49 PM ()

I'm not doing serious WebSharper development yet; I'm just evaluating. I have to say that it's rather discouraging--even outside the area of mobile development--in that the APIs are so much larger than what's documented (or at least, than the documentation in the PDF and on the website).

By on 9/28/2012 9:06 PM ()

Do the XMLDoc comments help? We will be putting all WebSharper APIs on ApiStack.net - in fact some of the earlier documentation is there even now (although quite a bit outdated).

By on 9/29/2012 5:21 PM ()

They help, but not nearly enough. Some examples of things that took me too long to figure out were:

1) What exactly does the "-<" operator mean?
2) Why are there HTML combinators in two different modules and which should I use when?
3) Why doesn't my file named Sample.template.xml actually get used as a template? (Tutorials on the web and the documentation on the Websharper site says that giving a file the extension .template.xml will cause the compiler to turn it into a corresponding .fs file of template code. As far as I can tell, this is no longer the case, and no such file is included in the sitelet sample project.)

Another issue that I faced was that the IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Android code is not part of the open-source distribution, so I couldn't access the source if I had questions.

A lot of what I've been learning has been through various tutorials posted on the web, but you never know if they are up to date and describe current behavior.

I do look forward to having the APIs on ApiStack.net. In my searches I had managed to find a link to some of that earlier documentation.

By on 10/2/2012 6:28 PM ()

Hi Paul - I understand, and thanks for the insight. I'll do a writeup to clarify these - in the meantime, could you post these as separate FPish questions so others could more easily find them later? Thanks, Adam.

By on 10/7/2012 4:14 AM ()

Done. Thanks!

By on 10/7/2012 9:33 AM ()
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