Thank you. Iam not affraid of changes. Rather problem for newcomer can sometimes be to find the right function for task one solving when not all API is covered by samples.


By on 4/10/2012 2:48 PM ()

I'd like to open this thread back up. Now that WebSharper is open source, is there a reason not to have API documentation publicly available on the website? There are many cases in which Intellisense just doesn't cut it (particularly when developing with Xamarin Studio). E.g., today I was wondering about classes for CSS colors. Eventually through some clever web searching I was able to track down a Color data type in WebSharper.Charting, but since I didn't have Charting installed in my project I never would have found it with Intellisense. Is there any plan on the roadmap for API documentation?

By on 9/19/2015 12:10 PM ()

A long time ago (years), we looked into generating the API documentation with standard tools and found that none of them worked for F# libraries, e.g. they didn't have the domain knowledge to unparse operators, deal with F# coding conventions, decypher unions, etc. So we wrote our own tool: if-doc. Output from if-doc then was piped into another tool to generate a browseable API documentation on a site we coded up called

For instance, here is an older documentation for jQuery UI WebSharper extension.

Back then (2011-12?), we used Ext JS 3 for, which then turned up issues with IE 9 (can't drill down in the API tree, etc.) Since then, we didn't have time to beef this site up and to add search facilities, which would be badly needed.

Given the state of things ATM, if you know of a tool that generates working documentation for F# libraries with search, we could put this back near the top of the priority queue.

By on 9/19/2015 5:04 PM ()

I don't know of any tools other than the ones you're already aware of. I came across this thread: -- what happened with the idea of using Focco or FSharp.Formatting?

By on 9/20/2015 8:32 AM ()

Whether there is a reference documentation or not, you are still relying on a particular API version in your projects - so if you are paranoid you will always feel "in danger" of things changing. And occasionally they do - no matter how hard we try to remain compatible.

The best reference documentation is IntelliSense. Next to that, WebSharper comes with a ~50 page PDF book and a host of samples shipped with the installer. The WebSharper home page gives further guidance, samples, and documentation.

We have created a decorated documentation generation tool, available at, and an earlier version of WebSharper documentation can be found there. For instance, the formlet documentation is here.

We will be refreshing the full WebSharper documentation (including extensions) on the APIStack site for the upcoming 2.4 Q2 release. It's also likely that there will be further "try-on-the-fly" and "get-help" type of web content appearing soon, we'll keep you guys posted on these.


By on 4/6/2012 6:00 AM ()
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