This error also occurs in a project just created from the client-server WebSharper template.

By on 9/12/2017 9:21 PM ()

Thanks for the report!

WebSharper for F# works by replacing the call to fsc.exe to its own wsfsc.exe, which removes WebSharper-specific flags and passes along the rest to FSharp.Compiler.Service, but uses the Microsoft.FSharp.Targets file and the MSBuild task of the system F# installation. This seems a newer feature of the F# compiler itself included with VS 15.4 Preview, not included yet in the version of FCS packaged. I will look into updating it.

Workaround: link a Microsoft.FSharp.Targets file in the project file that is an older one, for example by downloading the FSharp.Compiler.Tools package.

By on 9/13/2017 12:29 AM ()

Just got this error after updating VS. I'm not clear about the fix. I downloaded FSharp.Compiler.Tools, but the problem remains. Can'[t compile anything... :(

By on 10/10/2017 12:48 PM ()

This is how I fixed it: 1) Open NuGet UI at solution level 2) Remove FSharp.Compiler.Tools from all the project's packages in the solution 3) Re-install the latest version of FSharp.Compiler.Tools for the same projects 4) Clean/Rebuild projects

This succeeded for me

By on 10/10/2017 2:31 PM ()

Thanks. Installing a tool chain is new to me. I was reinstalling the newest tool. I needed to select version 4.1.23. Even then, I had to manually adjust some of my *.fsproj files to get it to pick up the new tools...

By on 10/10/2017 3:37 PM ()
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