New York City F# User Group

Blog articles of New York City F# User Group

on 1/24/2012 6:44 AM
  This Thursday, January 26, the F#unctional Londoners are holding an event to help you improve your F# coding skills! (This event may or may not be in celebration of Australia Day and India's Republic Day - you decide!) This event will be a coding kata.   If you don't know what this is, here's the description from Wikipedia: Code Kata is a term coined by Dave Thomas, co-author of the book The Pragmatic Programmer, in a bow to the Japanese concept of kata in the martial arts. A code kata is an exercise in [...]
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on 1/22/2012 9:43 AM
Just to mention that there will be a talk on F# 3.0 at TechDays France in Paris, on February 7, at 4pm. F# 3.0: data, services, Web, cloud, at your fingertips (LAN209) You can find all the details here: Modern programming thrives on rich spaces of data, information and services. With F# 3.0 and Visual Studio 11, you now have a tool that massively simplifies information-rich analytical programm[...]
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on 1/22/2012 9:03 AM
I'm catching up on blogging about what's been going on in F# lately. One thing that happened over the vacation is that the F# HTML5/Mobile development tool called WebSharper is now open source, and free for use for open source projects (details on the site). There is also a community project called Pit (also on github) which compiles F# to JavaScript, and which I'll write about separately. You can use these today in conjunction with F# 2.0 in Visual Studio 2010. With WebSharper there is ASP.NET integration[...]
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on 1/21/2012 10:06 AM
Is it time to learn something new? Training is key to growing F# adoption and understanding in your enterprise, as well as increasing the skillbase of your C# and other programmers mroe generally. Here are some links to F# training courses in London in January and February, from the wonderful Tomas Petricek and Phil Trelford Functional Programming in .NET (in London on 30 January and 16 April)    The course is designed for developers with some C# background who want to become better programmers and learn [...]
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on 1/21/2012 10:00 AM
  At last, Microsoft have released its long awaited Cloud Numerics library!!! A huge congratulations to the Cloud Numerics team (follow their blog!), and I encourage everyone in the F# community to be looking at the use of these wonderful technologies together. The recently announced library is a great fit for F# analytical computing. The Cloud Numerics team have posted some examples of how to use this library in F#, and learn how to do distributed numerics on Azure with F#. This post walks through the ste[...]
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