F# Bloggers

Blog articles of F# Bloggers

on 2/13/2017 10:41 AM
The post on applying GPU to finding Eulerian path mentioned a stumbling block: partitioning a very specific kind of graph. In general, partitioning is a hard problem, NP-hard actually. The graphs we are dealing with are very specific, though, and may be partitioned in time (E – the set of graph edges). Our graphs are […]
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on 1/18/2017 2:18 PM
A LONG TIME AGO, IN A GALAXY FAR AWAY….. Having infiltrated the Empire’s data centre, you are not overly surprised to discover they are using some ancient system from the old republic days.  A brief look around reveals a monstrous legacy Empire Enterprise system.  It has a ORM you thought had died out millennia ago.  You can immediately see no less than 13 layers of inheritance, 6 levels of dependency injection, and some complete bastard has spread the evil EmpireAutoLogger all over the place Thankfull[...]
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on 1/13/2017 9:48 AM
Over the last few days I have been learning Racket, a language derived from Scheme.  The main selling point of Racket is its extensive macro system that lets you do everything from the simplest macros through to redefining the entire language (yes you can even get rid of the parens!).  It is a programming language programming language. In fact, Racket is more of a customisable programming language infrastructure / engine with a default language on top of it. Now, we won’t get to anything too crazy in this[...]
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on 1/11/2017 11:22 AM
Since day 1 elmish, developed at Prolucid for our front-end applications supported console logging of states and updates taking place in the application. You have to see it to appreciate how powerful of a feature that is and for a while it was enough. That is until ever-prolific @forki decided he wants a full blown Elm-like […]
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on 1/10/2017 11:00 AM
JavaScript cheats. If you want to pass some properties, there’s no need for a type to describe them – just return anything you want inside of curly braces and you are done. Of course there’s a cost, but that not what this post is about. How does one achieve this level of freedom in order to […]
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