Test Group

Blog articles of Test Group

on 4/15/2012 7:48 PM
We have been working hard to bring you WebSharper 2.4 Q2 - and today we are happy to announce the availability of the the first beta (2.4.46)... [more]
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on 9/23/2011 6:08 PM
This release ships the preliminary support for mobile devices, a new WebSharper component we call WebSharper Mobile. [more...]
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on 9/15/2011 9:05 AM
Back in 2004 when we founded IntelliFactory to do commercial F# development, there were just a few dozen people who have heard about F# worldwide. When pitching to various companies or talking informally about what we do I usually met with total utter disbelief - how could a company that specializes in something unknown ever succeed? [...]
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on 7/15/2011 12:25 PM
We have been pretty busy these past few months working on a number of enhancements to WebSharper for its 2011 Q2 milestone - and I am happy to announce that the new 2.3 release is now out for public consumption. [more...]
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on 5/12/2011 9:33 PM
Since we released WebSharper Professional last week, we received ~200 requests about extending prior trial versions that expired. As it turns out WebSharper Professional has been in beta for several months and the first users who opted in to try it were now unable to check out the final release due to expired trial licenses. [...]
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